Thursday, January 21, 2010

LORETO, MX. 89F. @3:39 PM MST

Hello everyone hope all is well, we are alldoing good .Just a slight little delay as we were climbing the steep mountains into Mulege. We lost accelorator power on the rig The engine was running bus the fuel peddle was not moving the rig. we were stuck up a steep hill. Gord put the coach in emergency brake and went out to the engine to see what the problam was. Gregg went to the top of the hill and I stayed just in front of the bus to Flag vehicles around us when Gregg said there were no trucks coming or cars from the other side of the road. Thank God Gordon knows what to do,we found a peice of wire and Gordon reconnected the cable to the end that was broken away and it did hold for the rest of the trip until we stopped at the bay at the edge of the sea of Cortez,We stayed here for two nights.They had a little cantina in the middle of no where on the one side of the beach. We went and had some dinner and then a few drinks.We met a few people there that were missionaries that were running a centre for orphaned children. we had a great time They were wonderful people and I wish them well. The Sea of Cortez where we were parked is incredible, it is really hard to leave and head down the road to our next stop.
We are now here in Loreta and we will be spending the day and evening and then we will be on our way to Constitucion we will be staying there for a day and then a very long trip on our way to La Paz.
So far the trip is incredible scenery and very scarey narrow roads and s curves. We are all wishing all of you well,from Gregg Pat Me and Gordon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. The Sea looks wonderful. It's amazing you can drive right onto the beach. Be safe. Keep posting. I sit in boring meetings and loook at your pictures and dream.
