Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We have arrived in Mesa and are at the Home Depot RV Resort next to the Holiday Inn Express Hot Spot
.Hello everyone it is 80 degrees here in snow bird country Mesa Arizona.We have made a little detour from our original map,we are going to be staying here a few days.Pat and Gregg have not been here before so we were so close we thought we would take a little detour.
We will be visiting a couple that stay here for the winter that use to be our neighbour. Tomorrow evening we will be heading up to Canyon lake for a couple of days and then maybe start to head for Yuma, Gordons cousin is in Yuma and I know Cindy you are reading this and we will be there in a couple of days.
Here are a couple of pictures we have taken along our trip today you all have a heavenly day .
Gordon and Jane Pat and Gregg,Bailey and Gucci


horse colleen said...

Hello All
Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye.
I see you are off to warm start and lots of sights. Its been snowing up here and fun to be outside with the dogs. They love to play and dig in the snow. When I go back to work they are going to miss playing outside most of the day with me. I'm going to miss it. Any ways take care and have fun. Colleen

Anonymous said...

Merry Ukranian Christmas!!! Hope you're having a great time! We are really enjoying the pics and stories. Miss you!

Love Erin and Trevor

P.S. -27 here today :-(