Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sinahi Hotel Restaurante and RV Park 81F@3:30 PT

Hello everyone well we finally crossed into Mexico at the Tecate border crossing. They flaged us threw and we continued on thinking that we were going to come to Immigration to get our tourista card to allow us to travel in Mexico. As we continued on we went a few more miles over beautiful mountains which brought us into Ensenada. We drove in thinking we better find an immigration office because now we are illegal alians with out an card.But we continued on we ended up at a R.V. park and it was dark not good to drive, we pulled in behind there sign and woke up to a outside tire flat on the Rig. Gordon did not have enough air power on the air gun to get the bolts off he, decided to across the street and we found a couple of nice Mexican fellows that gave us a hand.
Then we got back on the road back to Encenada to try and get a tourist card. We had a police escort to the immigration that helped us get threw town. Got the cards on we were on the road again.
The roads here a very good but very small no wider than 10 feet it was Gordons expert driving that got us around the hairy curves with these big trackter trailers coming straight for us.
Well we have stopped at a few places along the way .This evening the 16 we are parked at Motel R.V. park in el Rosario at the end of town.
They have Internet a restaurent and full hook ups. The weather is between 75 and 80 and sunny every day very nice.
We will be leaving for Catavina. Hope all is well with every one take care we are all fine including Bailey and Gucci
Love from all of us take care Jane,Gord,Gregg Pat and the puppies
see notes below photos

We are about 300 km's south of Tecate, California where we crossed into Mexico, last night we stayed in Ensenada, Baja. Friday morning we woke up to a flat tire which took about four hours to repair and change. We were at the Canadas RV park in Ensenada Thursday night and at the Pemex last night in SanQuinteen.
Cal the bolt centers on my wheels are 11.5 and yours are 12.5 I'm bringing you a present, yuk yuk, no problem buddy took it off and put it on the Alcoa wheel repaired the tire and good to go agan.
We are having fun the mexicans speaking spanklish.


Todd said...

Hi Everyone,

I was the one cooking at the Buffets, keep going Bud,Beautiful Pictures and Sites

All the Best

Anonymous said...
