Monday, February 8, 2010

MAZATLAN, MX @ 7:15 AM @ 77F

Well it's a sad day in Mazatlan today, my sister and her husband have left. After a few mad threating outbursts over the past month from him about absolutly nothing, which we let slide with no responce, he started again yesterday, it ended with an all out fist fight. I was pushed into a corner I have never been before, and all over a mutt. The mutt steals food off your plate and tried to steal my toast, as I went to smack him on the nose the dog viciously tried to bite my hand so I took my hat off my head and chased him out of the bus. He agresively tried to grab my hat all the way to the door. This is the same mutt that pissed all over our house last summer that lacks discipline, and Jane is still finding spots on the carpets. The mad man was in my face twice because I chased his dog out of the bus and now its over.He just could not leave it along. He has ruined my sisters vacation and our relationship. I believe he has an anger management problem not depression.

Anyways now that that is over we went to the mexican circus last night and had a great time eating and drinking again, but Jane forgot the camera so no pics from there.

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