Sunday, January 13, 2008


Tonight we are in Biloxi, Mississippi at the Treasure Bay Casino, right on the sands of the Gulf of Mexico eating shrimp again……We drove down US90 along the coast 26 miles of white sand beach on one side and Katrina blown away homes and businesses on the other side. They are just starting to get there lives back together. The casino parking lot we are staying in used to just be a Hotel when it was damaged by the storm. The security guard was telling us that Mississippi law did not allow casinos on land so the casino was in a huge ship on the beach in front of the this hotel and it was destroyed. So now they have changed there laws here so the state can get revenue from the casino. This will help the recovery of the area. We are heading down I 90 tomorrow and see where we find another spot to set our wheels. Take care every one keep those comments coming.
Jane and Gordon


Anonymous said...

Janie, where are those shorts?? it looks as though it's warm?? Greg and soon

Anonymous said...

Great pictures guys. Sorry we did not connect yesterday and will try tonight.

Colleen Allan said...

Hey it was 49 degrees here too, minus that is with the wind chill. Bill says the brass monkey lost his balls last night!!! Thanks for the card, it goes so well with the kitchen colors, I'm going to frame it.
It sure looks pretty and relaxing there. Your in a town full of history. Bill knew where you were but I had to look it up. Lots of sights to take in. Talk to you later , by
Colleen, Bill