Sunday, January 27, 2008

Key West 7:07am Sunday Sun Rise....74F

Good Morning to all! For those of you who cannot be here to see the sunrise here it is. This is the only place we have been where you can see the sunrise and sunset on the same beach and on the same day. Darryl, as you have requested, more Gucci.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures guys. Very cold here in Edmonton with a snow storm today going down to minus 30 tonight. Cold weather expected all week. Traditionally bad here in Edmonton either the third or fourth week of January. Jane I checked Walmart for the Austrailian Gold but no luck. Keep the pictures coming.

Colleen Allan said...

Hello from us in Wpg. We came out of the deep freeze and into beautiful weather for the weekend. Suppose to have a snowstorm this week. Whatever, its winter I don't mind. Hey where are pictures of my bear? One more week and Jan. is over, hard to believe its gone so fast. Talk to you later. Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Gord, the pictures and videos are amazing. I can't believe you guys got up that early to record the sunrise (beautiful). It looks like you guys are having a ball. Keep the updates and pictures coming. How is Bear doing (keeping out of trouble). Katrina, Kayla and Ron say HI. Talk soon :o) Nina P

Anonymous said...

Gord heavenly picture of you and Gucci, turn around next time. Finally took dogs to park weather warmed up for the week although we're suppose to have a storm tonight,remember home sweet home? Wrinkles and Teaka say hi! Nicole's still waiting for Gord's speedo picture. Hope to hear from you soon.