Saturday, January 26, 2008

Key West Fla.....Friday Evening....85F Pee..Peed!

We met a couple from Birmingham England Jan and Dan, great people.....more to come later!


Colleen Allan said...

Hey, wow, oh pretty friendly... Bill says doing 3somes or what??? Like I said I should be there just to keep an eye on you.The sunset and water was beautiful, nice touch on the movement of water and boats. I love the water. Its seems so beautiful there. Glad you are enjoying yourselves. Take care Colleen

Colleen Allan said...

Hey, wow, oh pretty friendly... Bill says doing 3somes or what??? Like I said I should be there just to keep an eye on you.The sunset and water was beautiful, nice touch on the movement of water and boats. I love the water. Its seems so beautiful there. Glad you are enjoying yourselves. Take care Colleen