Monday, January 14, 2008

Pensacola, on pictures

Tonight we are in Pensacola, Florida. Gucci was running down the beach and started plowing sand with her nose and then grabbed a big mouthfull of sand thinking she was in Winnipeg in the snow. Today it was omly 76, just nice..........


Anonymous said...

Jane & Gord

Have Been Following your trip.
Looks Like you are having a great time.Don!t hurry back it is minus 34 here. thank you for the birthday greeting.
Until next time
bonnie R.

Colleen Allan said...

Hi Jane & Gord It sure looks like I should be there. I would have liked to have seen Gucci when she ate the sand. You know your confusing your dog. You couldn't ask for nicer traveling weather. The wind up here is wicked today, and turning cold for a couple of weeks so we'll follow your trip and stay warm. Drive carefully, talk to you later.