Monday, January 12, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico

We have arrived at Paa Mul, Mexico about 20 minutes south of Playa Del Carman and parked in the RV park. The officito was closed on Saturday when we arrived so we were unable to get the internet until today. We started drinking to early and I was unable to type correctly, I think we oh kay now,,,We had a great trip and met lots of nice people. The mexicans are the best!


Anonymous said...

Hi Gord and Jane Sounds like you guys are having fun. We`re glad to here from you Darryl was getting worried, hadn't heard from you in a few days. How was your New Years? We had people over and had a great big bonfire We're true winnipegers going out in the freezing cold. Believe it or not we were hot by the fire even though it was freezing out. But I have to admit I'd rather be by the beach enjoying the fire. Hope to hear from you soon
Love Darryl,Nicole and the Girls.

Anonymous said...

Add us to the worry list. We were also wondering how you guys were doing. Glad all is well and you guys are having fun. Today, with the windchill, is -48. VERY REFRESHING. The beach in Paa Mul looks very nice. We are all busy just working. The girls are doing well. Katrina moved into her own place with a friend of her's. She lives in the St James area (walking distance from Polo Park). Kayla is busy working. She enjoys having the closet all to herself now (they shared a closet between the two rooms). Overall all is well, do keep in touch and we'll talk soon. Love Ron, Nina, Katrina and Kayla :o)

Anonymous said...

Hello to you all. Pictures look nice and relaxing and warm. Glad to hear its been a good trip so far. The weather has warmed up here around 14,13C, pretty warm yes? Bill and I went to Barney Googles(whatever) tonight. Wind is strong from the south. Kaitlin is working at Starbucks now after masters at Church. I'm still off and walking better each day. I'll start physo in approx. 2 weeks. I had supper and Empress with Lorraine the other night and she asked how you were doing? Guess what, Norm is back from down south and said he would like to take Lorraine to Hawaii. Not bad eh?? I asked if they needed any help carrying luggage, oh wells I guess I'm stuck here, like what's new! Anyway Diane's little weanling is growing leaps and bounds. Such a friendly little baby horse. Dukes fine and big. our Carmel ate part of the ginger bread house Kaitlin and Steph made. Red icing was all down her front. Quite funny actually. Gotta go now, talk to you later. Colleen,Bill,&Kaitlin