Sunday, January 4, 2009

We have arrived in Tuxpan, Mexico and staying on the waterfront tonight and will be on our way to Veracruz on the gulf in the morning, and staying two days there. Deana says it is beatiful there. pics to follow tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Well Hello Gang. Want to wish you a very, very HAPPY NEW YEAR from us all. I tried to get a hold of you guys on skype but you were not logged on, must have missed you. Our New Year Eve was very quiet (just Ron and I sitting around watching movies). The next few days were busy. Katrina found a house to rent so we have been moving her and cleaning up at the same time, along with putting away all the Christmas decorations. Ron has been also busy working during those days also. Well gang, keep us posted and hopefully will catch you on skype. Love yous and talk soon

Anonymous said...

Hello from us hardy Canadians who are enjoying the minus 40 temperatures here. Tomorrow will be a week since I had my knee surgery and I have been good this time. This knee isn't going to take as long as the last one. Boy typing with nails is a pain. My nails are never this long but because I don't have horses they can grow. Sure miss my horses. Seen any down there yet? Hey Jane if you see a good gelding down there, buy him for me, ok? Anyways everyone went back to work or school. The kids were kept in because of the temp. They say its suppose to be this cold all week. I'll talk to you later, take care, love Colleen and Bill, and Kaitlin

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from Barry and Mal

Todd said...

Hello Gord & Jane,

Hope you are enjoying the weather,people etc... It is a beautiful Jan/09 here in Wpg.
Have you tried to go to the resorts and use their pools, they would never know.
All thhe Best
Happy New Year To Everyone!


Todd said...

Hello Gord & Jane,

The pictures are beautiful,I hope you are enjoying the sites, who won't.Jane do not worry about drinking,it is the water that gets you.Maybe looking for a travel partner,email at martinsgym@