Monday, March 30, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 77° F @ 11:03 pm

Hello everyone this Mexican Internet sometimes it is very hard to upload pictures and get any service they make you pay 60 dollars a month but half the time it does not work.
Well 2 more weeks and we start to head home, I just can not believe it will be April the time has just gone by. But I guess with working on the Palapa it has kept us very busy.
We have been keeping in touch with the flooding I hope by the time we get to the border the flooding will be gone. And we will be able to cross atPembina. Also leaving Mexico we will take a different crossing the one we crossed at coming down is having a little problem so we will try another crossing.
Other wise things are good we will be spending our happy hours on the beach with the remaining people that are hear a lot of the people have already left for home.We will probably be the last to leave. April 13 will be the day we leave it will take us 5 days to get to the U.S. border, maybe 6 we will be taking a different route home.
Well I should let you go for now i hope to get some new pictures up today so check in later.
Thanks for looking in take care everyone.
Jane and Gordon

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