Friday, March 6, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 83F @ 1 PM

1 comment:

journey4life said...

How wonderful and sunny the weather is, do you ever get a bad day :? The Palapa is coming along so quickly, it looks like it will be a beautiful home away from home when it's complete. I was struck by how much your pup looks like our Oz whom we lost last year, the picture brought back many fond memories and a big smile :). Please say hello to Rick and Deanna from Wanda and Kelly in Seattle. As I sit here this morning looking out my window the mountain is shrouded in ice fog, there is snow and ice everywhere and the wind is cold; tell them I'm jealous :). Enjoy, may the sun shine every day and the food and beverages be plentiful! (oh great, it's starting to rain, oops no hail - you can tell because it's bouncing) sigh . . .