Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back in the USSA!!

Hello hope all is well, we are finally back in the U S. A few of the pictures are still in Paa Mul with our last time on the beach with the dogs.And our last evening with friends the night before we are to leave. I put a picture of us driving out the gate. Our first stop after we leave is a small restaurant bar they let us stay there for the night and we had supper on the water front the yard surrounding the restaurant had a lot of beautiful flowers and trees and animals . The birds were beautiful they had a lot of different things to do and see. And then we were on our way the next morning at 7. We will drive 500 k a day it took us 4 days we left on Monday the 13 and we arrived at the US border Friday afternoon,the 17. We found a RV park to stay in, for the evening it was a long drive there were lots of Military check points. They did not come aboard our bus but they did board Rick and Diana bus. All we had to do was say to Gucci look see who is there and she was on her hind legs barking her head off they just looked and,none of them would come aboard. they waved us on.I was really happy to have her along they do not like big dogs she saved us.So they did not take anything.
Well I will let you go for now and thanks for looking in see you in a week or so.
Jane and Gordon

1 comment:

horse colleen said...

Hello to you, Glad you got away ok and safe. Hope to see you in a week or so. Your yard is dry and ready to go. Not too much water in yard but lots in ditches yet. The flood still is bad in places and if rain holds off it will be ok. Its hard to imagine that April will soon be over. Bills golf course is suppose to open the last week of April. But who knows. I've been looking for horses. Found a nice one in Pennsylvania, if they haven't sold it I might go down and pick it up. Take care, drive carefully and talk to you later. Colleen