Monday, March 9, 2009

Paa Mul, Mexico 85F @ 11:30 pm

Hello everyone,how are you we are doing well enjoying our time away.Hope all is well with you,and it is March, getting closer to spring.The pictures are of the tile on the counter and the trailer that will be moved in to position today almost all the plumbing is done and they still have some electrical to do and they need to put the pipe in for the propane tank. That will be for the stove and the fridge.I have a picture of Gucci with her new toy a large coconut she loves playing with it.Today we have lots of cloud but very humid we could use the rain. As of tomorrow the tenth we have 1 more month and then we are on our way home every day goes faster and faster I can not believe it.
I also have another two pictures of different views from Rick and Dianna's Palapa.
Every evening we head down there with the dogs and sit and listen to the waves hit the shore and we have had a full moon these past couple of days so you can see the white cap's on the ocean it is so relaxing. We stay for a couple of hours and then head back and go to bed .The mornings are early we are up at 6 and in bed by 10. I think the heat and breeze make us very tired by the end of the day.Well I will let you go for now and every one thanks for looking in.


Anonymous said...

Hello to you, how is it going? Boy by the look of all that work Gord is going to have to come home to rest up. It must be just heavenly to sit by the ocean and listen to the waves. You haven't mentioned anything about bugs, are there any or what do you have to put up with? if anything. Gucci looks like she thoroughly enjoys her new toy, where is Bear, is he ok? You sure are brown. Oh, that little kitty cat in the hammock is the cutest thing out. The palapa is coming along nicely at least in the pictures. What a lot of work you've been doing. Yes, time is flying by very fast. Two more weeks and spring break, yeah!!! You looked very comfortable snorkeling like you've done it forever. Beautiful under the water, yes? Well take care, talk to you later. Love Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hello you all, where and how are you Haven't heard from you all week, I hope everything is ok and your just busy and enjoying yourselves. Boy is it warmed up here. Snow is melting fairly fast, lots of water, cars need washing every second day. 2 weeks before spring break. Maybe the snow will be melted by then. How the dogs with the heat down there. Hey do they ever swing in the ocean?
have to go, talk to you later, take care, Colleen

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I've been enjoying following your blog all winter. It is so beautiful there! Hope you're out hoisting a few to celebrate today and not working too hard.

Thinking of you both - thanks for sharing your journey. Cathy & Dave